Egg donor applications are accepted from women around the world. For an applicant to be considered, they must have healthy medical and family histories and meet ASRM guidelines.
Many egg donors know someone who has struggled with infertility and want to help others become parents.
Reimbursements are only provided for the surrogate’s time while she is pregnant. If you proceed with an additional transfer, insurance premiums, the surrogate’s monthly allowance and other monthly payments will still be required to be paid.
The agency fee does not increase if you would like twins, however, other costs of the surrogacy will increase including the surrogate’s living expenses, clothing allowance, and monthly allowance. Medical costs should be taken into consideration, since pregnancies with more than one baby are considered “high risk,” and often result in preterm delivery, and monitoring in the NICU, which can be expensive. Baby insurance will also need to be purchased, since newborn babies are not placed on the surrogate’s insurance.
If there are certain traits you are looking for, our database offers many search options to help you. We also ask a variety of questions to provide insight into the donors’ lifestyle and personality. Please ask your donor coordinator if you are looking for something specific. We are always right here to assist you.
We get a large number of surrogate applications every month, so it varies. We have found that most parents find no benefit to having a surrogate who is located in California.
Success rates depend on a number of factors, including embryo quality. You will want to have this discussion with your IVF clinic.
Parents are provided with personal and family history and current and childhood photographs that donors provide when they complete their application.
Typically, recipients will make secure wire transfers to their trust account. New Fertility will manage your escrow account, submit requests, and provide proof of payments.
In order to qualify for our program, all surrogates must have had at least one child for themselves. “Repeat” surrogates must have previously given birth to a live surrogate baby, while “first-time” surrogates are going through the surrogacy process for the first time.
One isn’t necessarily better than the other. All of our surrogates go through a thorough screening process, including medical and psychological screening to confirm whether or not they are good candidates for surrogacy. First-time surrogates are given extra care and attention by our case managers to ensure their questions are answered and that they follow the schedule–just as an experienced surrogate would.
All of our donors complete a profile with their personal, medical, education, and characteristic/trait information. We also collect cycle history and cycle records for any who have previously donated. We brief donors about the process of egg retrieval and any complications or risks that could occur. When the donor understands the process and has completed submitting their information, future parents will be able to search their profiles.
To prevent any issues, you are encouraged to get your visa as early as possible. You must notify the legal office and our agency at least 6 weeks prior to the estimated delivery date if there are problems with your visa that prevent you from coming to the U.S. We will then work with you and an appointed family member who will be here in the U.S. on your behalf.
We will request education records from the egg donor if you would like access to them. It may take a few weeks to process the scores.
No, the baby will stay in the hospital until you arrive. The surrogate cannot take your baby home.
If you believe the surrogate is in breach of contract, please contact your surrogacy coordinator.
Because the process can get quite extensive with too many records to sort through, family records are not verified. We use the donor’s personal records to gather the necessary information.
Your arrival to the U.S. will need to be at least one day before the baby’s birth. You should expect to stay at least 4-8 weeks, the duration it can take to obtain the necessary documents you will require to return home. There are some cases where both parents will need to be present to obtain the necessary documents for the baby, such as a U.S. passport and Chinese traveling documents.
It is best to start looking for a surrogate as soon as you have a donor secured and/or embryos created.
An egg donation cycle can take 8-12 weeks to complete, which includes the medical screening and clearance, finalizing the legal contracts, and the egg retrieval. The exact time frame may vary, depending on the IVF clinic’s policies and protocols.
No, working with an out-of-state surrogate does not incur any additional fees.
If you work with a surrogate from outside of California, it will be very similar to working with a surrogate who is in California. Clinic visits and delivery will take place in California, requiring the surrogate to travel, and the contracts are prepared according to California law, which is known to be friendly toward surrogacy.
The physical exam will include ultrasounds and genetic testing; blood tests will screen for the presence of drugs and sexually transmitted diseases. A psychological evaluation to ensure the donor is mentally competent to proceed with the donation will also be conducted.
We’ve had many families who have successfully become parents through New Fertility Center.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our New parent program or the process involved.
We look forward to hearing from you!